The Challenge In Standardizing Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR). Where Is Progress Being Made?

Many industries face a similar challenge when it comes to data. Where to store it, how to keep it secure, and how to learn from it to optimize their business and evolve their industry. Healthcare is no exception, and one could argue that the data issue is even more important in this sector; it is both an asset and an obstacle. While many healthcare providers have made moves to standardize their data, in part because of federal regulations, one vertical that often gets left out of the greater healthcare conversation is dental, which has yet to fully standardize its data. There are a few key players who are working on this challenge currently, one of which is tab32, the cloud technology platform founded ten years ago, which is now the first in the industry to standardize electronic healthcare record (EHR) data by offering a cloud-based open data warehouse that allows for a standardized taxonomy for data collection, curation, and processing. Kiltesh Patel, CEO and co-founder, argues that